Ohio Magazine Article – Romantic Escape
Source: Ohio Magazine

With private pools and garages, Belamere Suites Hotel offers a stay that’s different than anything you’ve likely encountered before.
A trail of rose petals leads the way to a room filled with glowing candles and a flickering fireplace — not your typical hotel-room entrance. But what’s going on at Belamere Suites is anything but the usual overnight accommodations.
That attention to all the romantic details, combined with a Jacuzzi tub, a two-person walk-in shower and a private parking garage for each room all help set the mood for couples looking for a special getaway.
The complete lack of windows as well as private swimming pools in 23 of the 25 rooms help create an immersive and comforting experience that owner John Kranjec sees as the ultimate in privacy.
“We want the cocoon they are in to be fantastic,” explains Kranjec, who owns Belamere Suites with his wife, Teresa.
They built the place 11 years ago as an out-of-the-ordinary couples’ retreat. Part of that approach is their rule that no one under the age of 21 is permitted to stay.
Located at the end of what today is, oddly enough, a bustling industrial park, the hotel is located on a tree-filled and beautifully landscaped property just a few minutes away from the Levis Commons outdoor shopping center.
Continental breakfasts are delivered to rooms every morning, and 15 local restaurants will bring meals in, so guests can relax in seclusion. The 24-hour staff will even supply fresh-baked cookies and milk to those who want an evening snack.
That attention to detail has paid off, too. TripAdvisor ranked Belamere Suites the 20th most romantic hotel in the United States in its 2014 Travelers Choice awards — the only Midwest hotel included on the list.
“The point is to have a memorable stay here, and we’ll do anything possible to ensure that,” Kranjec says.
“We have hosted more than 70,000 couples in the last 11 years and it’s very, very rare that guests are not 100 percent pleased.”
– Esther Hertzfeld
12200 Williams Rd., Perrysburg, Ohio 43551
(419) 874-2233